b. 1984 Postojna, Slovenia
2023 - Master's Degree in Art History at University of Udine, (IT)
2009-2013 Degree in Visual Arts at IUAV University of Venice (IT)
2004-2006 Specialization post diploma in contemporary photography at CFP Riccardo Bauer, Milan (IT)
1999-2003 Secondary School for Design and Photography SSOF (photography department), Ljubljana (SI)
2021 Artist in Residence at La Cite internationale des arts with the support of Institut Francais, Paris,(FR); Ministry of the Culture of France and France Embassy in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
2020 Artist in residence: RISING, MODELING, BAKING; European Interreg MED Project 2014-2020 "SMATH", promoted by the Ca ’Foscari University of Venice, (IT)
2018 Working grant for production support of Ministry for Culture, Slovenia (SI)
2010-2012 Scholarship by Slovenian Ministry for Culture for Degree studies in Visual Art at IUAV University in Venice (IT)
2021 Artist in Residence at La Cite Internationale des arts with the support of Institut Francais, Paris (FR)
2020 Artist in residence: RISING, MODELING, BAKING; European Interreg MED Project 2014-2020 "SMATH", promoted by the Ca ’Foscari University of Venice, (IT)
2019 Artist in Residence at La Cité internationale des arts, Paris (FR)
2018 Artist in Residence at Musumeci Arte Contemporanea, Bruxelles (BE)
2017 1st price at SI FEST Savignano Immagini Festival, Savignano (IT)
2017 Deus sive Natura, curated by Elena Cardin / Bonaldi Award for Contemporary Art, GAMEC Museum, Bergamo (IT)
2016 Official registered as an Independent Self-Employed Artist Worker kept by the Ministry of the Culture of Republic Slovenia (SI)
2015 Artist in Residence at Viafarini DOCVA, Milan (IT)
2015 Artist in Residence at Dolomiti Contemporanee, Cadore (IT)
2014 Artist in Residence at Atelier EVE AR:V., Venice (IT)
2013 Artists in Residence at the Ateliers of Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice (IT)
2007 Award for a project Panis Nostrum, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano (IT)
2019 Likovni kritiki izbirajo, curated by Natasa Kovsca, Cankarjev Dom Ljubljana (SI)
2019 Et fiat lux, curated by Spela Zidar, SACI Gallery Florence (IT)
2018 Et fiat lux / About being dead even before being alive, curated by Natasa Kovsca, Galerija GONG Nova Gorica, (SI)
2018 Et fiat Lux, SI FEST Savignano Immagini Festival, (IT)
2017 Et fiat Lux, curated by Anna Volpe, Galleria Fuori le Mura, Verona (IT)
2016 Naš vsakdanji kruh, Galerija Loža, Piran (SI)
2013 The moments of this dawning recognition. (zero budget but still an exhibition), Galerija GONG, N.Gorica (SI)
2012 Dell’utilità e degli inconvenienti del vivere fra gli spettri, Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa, Venice (IT)
2009 Panis Nostrum, curated by Dejan Sluga and Miha Colner, Galerija Photon Ljubljana (SI)
2007 Panis Nostrum, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano (IT)
2021-22 S popolnoma drugacnimi ocmi, Galerija Miklova hiša, Ribnica (SI)
2021 III Paysage curated by Frondaurbana, Frondaurbana Udine, (IT)
2021 Ona, group exhibition, Lokarjeva Galerija, Ajdovscina, (SI)
2019 Open studios, Cité internationale des arts, Paris (FR)
2019 Ghent Art Book Fair, Kunsthal Gent (BE) / Foto Wien - Photo Book Exhibition (OstLicht’s publicly collection), Vienna (A)
2018 Binary / Non-Binary, curated by Shiva Lynn Burgos, GESTE.Paris (FR)
2018 Francesco Fabbri award for contemporary photography (finalist); curated by Carlo Sala, Villa Brandolini, Treviso (IT)
2018 Il lanternista, a collaboration with Gli Impresari; Tenuta dello scompiglio, Lucca (IT)
2018 STILL LIFE, B#S Gallery Treviso (IT)
2018 Similarities and diversities in symbiosis, China & CEEC, Cina Cultural Center Sofia, (BG)
2018 Astonishment and reflection, Arte Contemporanea Bruxelles, (BE)
2017 Deus sive Natura / Bonaldi Award for Contemporary Art, curated by Elena Cardin, GAMEC Museum, Bergamo (IT)
2017 Tre casi di cosa, A project by LOCALEDUE curated by Irene Rossini and Giulia Morucchio, Nesxt, Torino (IT)
2016 THIS IS TODAY, curated by Aurora Fonda, Piran Town Gallery and Monfort Portoroz, (SI)
2015 Pixxelpoint New Media Art Festival 2015, MGNG Nova Gorica (SI / IT)
2015 MUSES, Palazzo Taffini (permanent) collection, Savigliano (IT)
2015 OPEN CLOG, La ricerca della comodita in una poltrona scomoda, curated by Lucrezia Calabro Visconti, CLOG Torino (IT)
2015 6PM Your Local Time, EVE AR:V., Forte Marghera, Venezia (IT)
2015 L’esprit de l’escalier, curated by Alice Ginalidi, Dimora Artica, Milano (IT)
2015 ROB PRUITT’S FLEA MARKET IN VENICE, 56° Venice Art Biennale 2015, curated by Tommaso Speretta and Aurora Fonda, A+A Gallery San Marco, Venice (IT)
2015 Non siamo mai andati sulla luna, MARS, Milano (IT)
2014 Fotomorgana 5, curated by Denis Volk, UGM Umetnostna Galerija, Maribor (SI)
2014 Photonic Moments festival, Kino Siska Ljubljana (Sl)
2014 La concezione cosmologica dantesca, curated by Pietro Di Lecce, Dimora Artica Gallery, Milano (IT)
2014 Evoluzione, curated by Marco Tagliafierro, Spazio Monotono, Vicenza (IT)
2014 Mostra Finale, curated by Rachele d'Osualdo, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice (IT)
2013 ECHO BACK / Interference patterns, curated by Giulia Bini and Stefano Coletto, Jarach Gallery, Venice (IT)
2013 Stonefly Award / La matteria, Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa, Venice (IT)
2013 Guardare le cose presenti in vista di cose assenti, Ca’ Zanardi, Venice (IT)
2012 Della Carezza, curated by Lucrezia Calabro Visconti, Spazio Punch Giudecca, Venice (IT)
2009 Photonic Luminatic, Cankarjev Dom Ljubljana, (SI); Kultur Zentrum Korotan, Vienna (A); Galery Photoport, Bratislava (SK); K2 Contemporary Art Center, Izmir (TR)
2008 Photonic Moments, Cankarjev Dom, Ljubljana (SI)
2008 Which Venice? / Quale Venezia?, curated by Roberta Valtorta and Roberta Orio, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venice (IT)
ET FIAT LUX, Špela Volcic / 2018, Text by: Roberta Valtorta, Natasa Kovsca, Pazzini Editore, Rimini, Italy / ISBN 9788862572361
220x220 mm - 60 pp, Multilingual
published in 2018
MOLESKINE NOTEBOOK 2013 Special Edition / ATELIER Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa QUADERNO 2013
Catalogue published by Moleskine Srl and Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa / Comune di Venezia (IT)
curated by Rachele D'Osualdo, president Angela Vettese, director Elisabetta Meneghel,
published in 2014