2008 - ongoing
I understand this series as exercises where images works alone, ofering stories as collection of impressions, which apparently have no connection, but they “work” together.
The human figure is present, but not directly, it is in absentia. A directly view would be to violent, the only violence present in the image is that with which man has left traces on the landscape.
I considered the photography as a medium that speaks for itself, without a support of text or explanation. Searching to find the right sensibility to say and not to say in which after all is also one of my practice of ambiguity.
2008 - v teku
Serijo fotografij InAbsentia razumem kot vajo, kjer podobe delujejo samostojno in prikazujejo zgodbe kot zbirko vtisov, ki ocitno nimajo nobene povezave, ampak "delujejo" v skupnosti.
Cloveška figura je prisotna, vendar neposredno - v odsotnosti. Neposreden pogled bi deloval nasilno, edino nasilje na sliki je tisto, s katerim je clovek pustil sledi na pokrajini.
Fotografijo obravnavam kot medij, ki govori sama zase, brez podpore besedila ali razlage. Neprestano iskanje prave smiselnosti ter senzibilnosti, razkrivanja in prikrivanja stvari, kar je navsezadnje tudi ena izmed mojih praks dvoumnosti.